EDUMAP College has set up a couple of pathways listed below for our student alumni, supporters and sponsors to contribute. Any contributions are welcome and they can either be once-off or committed for a period of time depending on your preferences. Feel free to contact us on for any other arrangements.
The sponsoring company increases the rate of success of these students in higher education and then meaningful employment. It often serves as a preliminary bursary year for those skills required by the sponsor. Even if the sponsoring company is unable to offer the student a bursary, there are other options to ensure that each student is catered for in the year following the academic enrichment year. Besides the long term success of the students entering the programme, investment in students at EDUMAP College provides corporate with a tax incentive as the EDUMAP Education Development Trust is registered as a public benefit organization.
We shall provide on-going reports highlighting the progress in examinations. Student will write mid-year examinations in June and preliminary and final examinations in September and November respectively. Sponsors are encouraged to visit their students each term.
Existing companies are requested to continue their sponsorship of students. Potential companies are encouraged to initiate a financial association with the EDUMAP Education Development Trust for a full academic year. We would recommend and request that you consider a medium term commitment of at least two to three years to this programme as this will assist the college in maintaining its sustainability.
Listed below are the donations payment details. Donations can either be made directly to the EDUMAP College bank account or via online payment.
Edumap Education Development Trust, Branch: Parktown, Branch Code: 194 405, Account No: 1944 173 307
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Use our PayFast page to contribute and support EDUMAP College.